Buy My Colnago

Sunday, March 28, 2010

flagged & removed: 1656979044 (bicycles) 1975 Colnago Molteni Blahh

flagged & removed: 1656979044 (bicycles) 1975 Colnago Molteni Blah
Tue, March 23, 2010 9:38:41 AM
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Date:2010-03-22 22:52:46 PostID:1656979044 Title:(bicycles) 1975 Colnago Molteni Blah 1972 Colnago is gone.
Sold it to an Nigerian prince recommended by Murray Hewitt. I am expecting the payment shortly.
What I have now for sale is a 1975 Molteni Orange Colnago Super, with Campy components, 3T seat and Cinelli
Giro d'Italia handlebars and stem.
I know how anyone looking at bike ads wants to know everything about the bike they are buying so unlike
last time, I've done a lot of research and I've gathered a lot of photos.
Here are some real facts about this bike.

After burying his wife alive at the beginning of the sixties (As seen in the photo below)
Fefè Cefalù had to flea his beloved Sicily in order to avoid the long arm of the Italian law.

So he followed his brother Rocco to Milano. Those were the time of the Italian bicycle bubble that would reach
its peak in the seventies and ended with the big bike crash of the eighties.

It was not hard for him to find a job in an anonymous bicycle start-up located right outside Milano's Steel
He changed his name to Colnago. Being a count and all he had the money to buy up the shop and gave it his new
Since he was on the run, he had to change his appearance quite significantly and he rarely allowed anyone to
take a picture of him. However, I managed to find a very rare picture of him working a lathe.

Every bike that was coming out the doors of that factory was made right there. And their hands actually touched
every single part that went into a bike. Some Italian guy was actually painting the frames with a big brush
made in Italy and with paint made in Italy down the street from their factory. They didn't care about their
bike's carbon footprint since they did not use any carbon, only steel.

He re-married and had a child. With the money he was making he was able to rise his kid and send him to school,
buy clothes, eat one big bowl of spaghetti marinara with a bottle of good wine every night , take his family
to see a spaghetti western every weekend and sneak out by himself and watch a Cicciolina movie once in a
blue moon.

Here are some pictures of one of the bikes he made. Mine is just the same (22 inches c-c, 32 inches high).

Right before the big bust he retired and left the shop to his kid.
By then the people were recognizing the name and they were not paying so much attention to the quality.
Being a good businessman, the kid took advantage of that, raised the prices for each bike above $2000 and
moved the production to a country where he hired the little brother of this guy for under 50 cents a day.

The little brother had his hands of perfect size to handle the spokes without a wrench so this way he could
save money on the tools too.

The bikes he was making became so exclusive only highly successful business man could afford them. The highly
successful businessmen were so highly successful because they were producting all kinds of stuff in that
remote country and they were selling it here to you and me for thousands of times margin. Sometimes the bikes
and the stuff the highly successful businessmen were producing was travelling on the same ships.

Anyway, to make the long story short, the kid was successful as well and he was buying stuff that only they can buy. He was also eating organic and having an Asian fetish.
However, his food never tasted as good as his father's pasta and his fetish models never looked as good as

Ok enough ranting. I hope this is detailed enough for everyone.
One of you needs to buy this one.
Prices are as follows:

If you are an investment banker - $10K.
Just because Dow is over 10K now old boy, and all is so hunky dory and because it would look great next to the
gorilla hand ashtray that your father left you as a memento of his first million.

If you're a Google, Microsoft or Amazon Yuppie $5K.
Just because all your stocks are going higher every day and because you'd look fabulous on it while you're
going to Freemont to sip your $9 Belgian beer. What, it's not really $9? Well, you're in the wrong place, look

If you're a BMW frat boy: 3K. If you had one of these all those hot punk and goth chicks on the Ave that look
through you would actually look at you. It's magic. Some of them might even talk to you so to I'll throw in
two six word phrases that do not contain the words 'dude' and 'cool' more than 2 times.

All others, $1350.

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